Products To Profits Podcast is the place for product entrepreneurs to get the expert insight they need to grow their businesses. Hosted by Amy Wenslow, the founder and CEO of Products to Profits, this show focuses on practical, actionable information that helps boost sales, streamline operations, and take product-driven businesses above and beyond their goals. With more than 30 years of experience in product development, managing sales teams, consulting, leading product launches, and creating strategies for entrepreneurs across numerous industries, Amy uses her expertise to help others through public speaking, at the helm of Products to Profits, and by sharing her wisdom on this podcast! Amy has worked with manufacturers to bring products to more than 60 major corporations, including some of the largest retailers in the US, as well as numerous online and TV shopping channels. She shares clients with Sharks from Shark Tank, and has been invited to speak at corporations including Fed-Ex, high profile trade shows, and other product-focused engagements around the globe. Amy is driven, high-energy, and passionate about turning dreams into reality. Her warm, entertaining approach - and decades of real-world experience - make her an invaluable resource for product entrepreneurs of all kinds. Enjoy the show! Visit our site for Free resources and next steps: www.productstoprofits.com

Monday Apr 29, 2019
#24: Collaborations: What & How-To
Monday Apr 29, 2019
Monday Apr 29, 2019
Be honest. Have you ever asked someone "Do you want to partner with me on my product, idea, invention, business?"
Collaboration can be wonderful fuel in a project, however, it can look a lot of different ways with massively different results.
The best collaborations blossom like a flower in the spring sunshine.
But, how on earth can you cause that instead of leaving it up to chance?
That's what we'll talk about on Monday's Product Business Show!
Want to know more about us. Visit our Website Products To Profits

Tuesday Apr 16, 2019
#23: Keys to Effective Negotiating
Tuesday Apr 16, 2019
Tuesday Apr 16, 2019
In a super-ironic-twist-of-events I've been asked to teach an entire course at a business college this summer just on negotiating! It's funny because I used to absolutely cringe about negotiating.
Seriously, negotiating was an anxiety-producing, go-into-mental-overdrive thing for me. Now, it's joyful and fun even when we're navigating a deal with a new client or large investors, movie producers or a big account on behalf of clients.
Do you want to know what changed it all for me? You guessed it. That's what we'll talk about this morning.
If you want to sell your business at any time or you want to sell a bunch of product to another business, this will help.
Want to get the reminders to the live show, click HERE.

Monday Apr 01, 2019
#22: Licensing Questions, Answers and Gotcha' Clauses
Monday Apr 01, 2019
Monday Apr 01, 2019
Most people don't know that we've worked on licensing projects. One client had us helping negotiate his licensing deal. There was a moment when having a clear strategy and then asking one question added about $50k to the client's deal.
On this Episode, I'm going to do an entire Product Business Show about licensing.
- What makes it easier to get a licensing deal.
- How to kill a deal faster than you can imagine (just in case you want to be really UNsuccessful & frustrated. :)
- What makes a deal messier than a 2 year old with an ice cream cone.
- Why getting the deal isn't really the main goal.

Monday Mar 18, 2019
#21: How to shoot Awesome Product Videos - Part 2
Monday Mar 18, 2019
Monday Mar 18, 2019
On our previous Product Business Show we talked about how to produce amazing product videos. In today’s Part 2 about video, I’ll share some the three types of videos most products need and a few of my favorite ways to storyboard them to be impactful, cost-effective and terrific!”
There are some surprisingly easy things that make a big difference in the results you'll get from your videos.

Monday Mar 04, 2019
#20: How to Shoot Awesome Product Videos
Monday Mar 04, 2019
Monday Mar 04, 2019
After last week's Product Mastermind group call, several members asked for some additional training about shooting good product videos. Since it was such a hot topic for them, I thought we would include you in the conversation.
Did you know that 1/3 of online activity is spent watching video?
64% of consumers make a purchase after watching branded social videos.
There are some surprisingly easy things that make a big difference in the results you'll get from your videos.
If you are interested in the Product Mastermind, please email Jeff@ProductsToProfits.com

Tuesday Feb 05, 2019
#19: Tactics & Trends for e-Commerce Platforms
Tuesday Feb 05, 2019
Tuesday Feb 05, 2019
If you've been wanting to sell online or need to sell online better, this is going to be great for you.
Selling online can be really overwhelming if you have to manage separate selling platforms like these.
But what if it was easy?
In fact, selling on three platforms at the same time creates on average about 156% more sales. And there are ways to do it while keeping your sanity!
Mike Ugino is the Co-founder & CMO of Sellbrite. A former IR 300 merchant and Fortune 500 product marketer, Mike now helps small to medium sized brands and retailers build a successful online marketplace strategy.
Prior to Sellbrite MIke managed e-commerce sales for 20 different websites

Monday Jan 21, 2019
#18: Change at the Right Pace
Monday Jan 21, 2019
Monday Jan 21, 2019
Do you want to be "the poster child for achieving goals"?
(Two friends literally said a version of "Amy, you're the poster child for achieving goals" on Friday and Saturday last week.)
Being able to change well and with grace is a skill. That means it can be learned and honed. However, the pace of change is a funny thing and there are a few contradicting forces that can speed you up if you use them well.
Did you know 80% of those good intentions called New Year's resolutions will fall apart by the second week of February? Yup. True. Only 20% will make it past February 10th or so. Let's make sure you are in the 20% that will be most likely to get results!
Do you know how FAST to change and how to do it with way less effort and backsliding?
In December, I created a bigger vision for what we are doing with clients and how that looks. Within 6 short weeks its blown through like a gust of clear mountain air.

Monday Dec 10, 2018
#17: The 3 Min. Business Skill to Practice
Monday Dec 10, 2018
Monday Dec 10, 2018
Today we're going to practice a skill together that will fuel your holidays, business and happiness in the New Year.
In under 3 minutes, you can master this skill used by a billionaire. Yes, that was a billionaire with a B. He is one of the most intelligent, heart filled and humble guys, too.
This humble skill takes minutes to do and can be done by all of us. Anywhere. Anytime. Regardless of bank account. Guaranteed.
Any questions about the Mastermind, contact Jeff@productstoprofits.com

Tuesday Nov 20, 2018
#16: Refining Your Product Intro
Tuesday Nov 20, 2018
Tuesday Nov 20, 2018
As we approach Thanksgiving here in the US, I thought we'd do something different for Monday's show.
We're going to go over the key points to remember in a 30 second introduction.
Then for anyone who wants to.... You'll have a chance to share your 30 second introduction with our audience of fellow creators who are all rooting for you!
These are the kind of introductions you'll need when you're out at meetings or talking to buyers, potential customers and investors.
We'll, also, have some time on air to work on one or two people's. if they want to. You're welcome to give your 30 second introduction either way.
If you want to give this some thought over the weekend, here are a few tips:
What key point do you want people to remember?
Can you think of something unique or a memorable way to say the benefit of what you do?
Questions from all area of creating products, selling or marketing products are welcome.

Thursday Nov 01, 2018
#15: What Prototype is Good Enough
Thursday Nov 01, 2018
Thursday Nov 01, 2018

Monday Oct 29, 2018
#14: After You Sell $1,000,000 in a Year
Monday Oct 29, 2018
Monday Oct 29, 2018
Today we'll be talking about what to do after you sell a million dollars of products. There are decisions to make then that usually bring up a host of questions and choices. I'll give you the signs to look for as clues that you're close to the next stage.

Monday Oct 29, 2018
#13: Top 10 Ways to Leverage Holiday Sales
Monday Oct 29, 2018
Monday Oct 29, 2018
With the holidays just around the corner, I want to share with you 10 creative ways to get the most out of your holiday season. There is always room and even more ways to move forward. I hope you enjoy and remember to subscribe.

Friday Oct 19, 2018
#12: Top Ten Ways of Reaching Markets Now
Friday Oct 19, 2018
Friday Oct 19, 2018
In this episode of the Product Business Show, we're going to be talking all about how to reach the people you want to reach. There are different strategies and techniques that are effective for different purposes.
Hope you enjoy and please subscribe. :)

Tuesday Oct 16, 2018
#11: What Wildly Successful Products Are Doing
Tuesday Oct 16, 2018
Tuesday Oct 16, 2018
This episode of the Product Business Show was recorded 2/6/2017. The day after the Super Bowl. Below is from our email we sent out.
Yesterday we watched the Super Bowl for our friends. Did you see it?
Amidst the cheering, I got SO inspired. It was a great example of staying committed to a dream against most logic. That led to several "firsts" in NFL history.
Today is our live Q & A show. On the heels of yesterday's Super Bowl ads, we'll be talking about the things that wildly successful products are doing. You can use the same exact trends to build your business, too.

Saturday Oct 06, 2018
#10: How to use packaging to build value for your product
Saturday Oct 06, 2018
Saturday Oct 06, 2018
We've been getting a lot of requests for us to do people's packaging artwork. In simple terms, the way to think about packaging is that it can either shred your value proposition (and sales) or it can leapfrog your product over tall buildings in a single bound. Ok.. well.... not quite that last part but you get the idea. It's super important.
Given that your business' financial value (to you and investors) is directly related to sales, improving packaging can make a very big difference.